Research Interests: Accessible Design with Additive Manufacturing, Wearables for Rehabilitation

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Education / Experience / Skills / Awards / Exhibitions / Media


MPhil Computation Media and Arts

HKUST (GZ), China

09.2022 - Present

. HKUST(GZ) Fully Funded Postgraduate Studentship
. Academic Supervisor: Prof. Mingming FAN, Thrust of Computational Media and Arts
. Academic Co-supervisor: Prof. Yunda WANG, Thrust of Smart Manufacturing
. Research Group: Accessible & Pervasive User EXperience (APEX) Group
. Thesis:
Accessible Rehabilitation Devices for People with Motor Impairments
. Project(s):
EQUA: Aquaponics System for the Elderly to Live Independently
Xiangyunsha Art Installation (XAI) for Cutlural Inheritance
TheraFly: VR Flying Experience for a Direct-Indirect Intervention on Acrophobia
Aicademo: AI Video generation for Academic Research
Scentation: Workplace Relaxation
Movaclock: Clock with Movable Type System

MA Material Futures

Central Saint Martins, London, UK

09.2019 - 06.2021

Unit 1: Material Experimentation
I. Master of Crafts
A material library to investigate how machine learning can extend the usage of previous material projects
II. Everyday Martian @ Design Museum
As a collaborative project, we created a zero-wasted prototype toilet based on the research of moving to Mars.
III. Final Research Project
REHAP : More Accessible Rehabilitation Alternative
- Commissioned by the UCL WEISS Art and Science Partnership Program
- Collaborated with Dr Tijana Jevtic Vojinovic for the design and concept of a mono-material rehabilitation and assitive tool

Industrial Project / Collaboration:
Three UK, Design Museum London, Firmenich SA, UCL Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences

BAS New Media, First Class Honors

School of Creative Media, CityU, Hong Kong SAR

09.2014 - 07.2016

. Extreme Environments Program - Advisor: Professor Scott Hessels
. Graduation Project – Advisor: Professor Hector Rodriguez

Information and Representation [A]: Data visualization with Tableau and datasets
Media Art and the Environment [A]: 3D modeling and digital fabrication
Special Topics in Arts and Sciences [A]: Material exploration
Hacktivism and Tactical Media [A-]: Javascript and terminal command

AAVS Summer Programme

Architectural Association, UK


. Imagined the living environment for Cha Kwo Ling village in 2026
. Unit Tutors: Cesar Jung-Harada, Goerg Hoehne and Susanne Trumpf

CAA Exchange Programme

China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China

09.2015 - 01.2016

. Web Interaction (HTML, CSS, JS, P5.js)
. Creative Coding (Processing, P5.js)
. Virtual Reality (3D Modeling)
. Tangible Media (HCI)

HD Creative Media

Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong SAR

. Interactive Media (Arduino, Processing, MaxMSP)
. App Design (Xcode)
. 3D Modeling & Animation (Maya)

09.2012 - 06.2014

AD Arts and Humanities

City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA

09.2010 - 05.2012

. Film Studies


Group Leader, 3D Printing Engineering Workshop- Volunteering Service

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

06/2024 - Present

. Awards: Most Excellent Volunteer Teacher, Guizhou Station 2024
. Course Students from Guizhou Tongren No.1 Middle School obtained Second Prizes and Third Prizes in 3D Printing Competition 2024, Guizhou Province
. Arrange class plans and mechandise materials for 5-day STEAM learning program . Allocate teaching and preparation tasks for 5-member work team

Teaching Assistant, UCMP 6030 Cross-Disciplinary Design Thinking

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

09/2023 - 12/2023

. Provided back-end support to class TAs for group and task arrangements
. Hosted the Final Roadshow presentation
. Shared experience in research and projects using the design thinking approach in tutorial Sessions

Course Representative

Central Saint Martins, UAL

09/2019 - 09/2020

. Collected feedback from classmates regularly
. Communicated with programme leaders and tutors
. Provided suggestions for better learning experience
. Delivered classmates' concerns on the Dean Forum

Teaching Associate

 Vocational Training Council

12/2017 - 08/2019

. Prepared proposals for external funding
. Conducted presentations of HKDI Media Lab
. Assisted the lecturer with administrative works

Programme Assistant

Makerspace, Wofoo Social Entreprise

11/2018 - 07/2019

. Advocated maker culture to students in high schools
. Produced videos and tutorials for makers
. Initiated projects on electronics and creative coding


NC Communications

12/2017 - 03/2018

. Handled videography, video editing and graphic design projects
. Worked for clients included Chow Tai Fook Group, ARTE Madrid
. Prepared materials for printed and digital campaigns

Production Assistant - TV Drama

TVB - Television Broadcasts Limited

08/2016 - 05/2017

. Assisted directors in drama production
. Allocated schedules for drama series e.g., The Exorcist’s Meter
. Worked collaboratively with various departments for props and costumes


2D Design & EDITING

Premier Pro


After Effects


Sketch / Figma (UX Design)






Creative Coding

Arduino (Prototyping)


HTML/CSS/Bootstrap (Web Design)


Python (Data Processing)


(Data Visualization & ML for Web Art)


Spark Studio (AR for Instagram)


3D / CAD

Fusion 360 (Modelling & Joint)




CLO (Fabric Sim)


Zbrush (Sculpturing)


Keyshot (Rendering)


Unreal (Blueprint)


Unity (C#)


Digital Fabrication

3D Printing (FDM / SLA)
with PLA/TPU/Resin


Laser Cutting




PCB Design


Honours and Awards

Second Prize, Tsinghua University 3D Printing Contest 2024

Bronze Award, 11th China Visualization and Visual Analytics Conference (ChinaVis 2024) - Art Visualization Competition Track; Acceptance Rate: 14.4%

Finalist, Digital Art China 2024, China Artists Association

Silver Award, Red Bird Maker Space Cultural and Creative Design Competition 2024, HKUST(GZ)

Ten Outstanding Hong Kong Students in the Greater Bay Area 2023, OCTS Youth Forum

Bronze Award - Guangdong Province, FLTRP-ETIC Cup National Foreign Language Contest 2023 - Speech Section

Finalist - School Final, Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition 2023, HKUST(GZ)

Participation Award, Information Hub Poster Competition 2023, HKUST(GZ)

600USD Winner, Spark Worlds Competition 2022, Spark AR Studio, Facebook

Fashion Crossover London x ELLE UK Sponsorship 2021

Special Prize - Apparel / Textile, Techstyle For Social Good International 2021, The Mills Fabrica, Nan Fung Group

Freelancer Award, UAL Creative Enterprise Awards 2021, University of the Arts London (UAL)

Semi-Finalist, Tech Award, The Mayor's Entrepreneur Competition 2021

Shortlisted, The Meaning Centred Design Awards 2021

Dean's List, Semester B 2015/16, City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship 2016 - Talent Development Scholarship

The HK Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators Foundation Scholarship 2016

Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship 2015 - Reaching Out Award

Semi-Finalist, Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2014 - Installation Design

Silver Award, The 19th ifva Awards 2014 - Interactive Media Category

Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship 2014


Digital Art China 2024, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China

SURGE Art and Science Online Gallery (2021), University College London, London, UK

The Everyday Martian, Design Museum London (2020), London, UK

Ars Electronica .ART Global Gallery (2020), virtual

ISEA HK (2016), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Architectural Association Post-Industrial Landscapes 4.0 (2016), Osage Gallery (Hong Kong), Hong Kong SAR

School of Creative Media Annual (2016), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Extreme Environments: Fade to Black (2015), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

19th ifva Awards - Interactive Media Category Finalists Exhibition (2014), Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong Science Park - InnoCarnival (2014)

City Gallery - City Impression@Connectivity Exhibition (2014), Hong Kong SAR Planning Department, Hong Kong SAR

Chai Wan Mei Festival (2014), Hong Kong SAR