Research Interests: Accessible Design with Additive Manufacturing, Wearables for Rehabilitation
Education / Experience / Skills / Awards / Exhibitions / Media
MPhil Computation Media and Arts
HKUST (GZ), China
. HKUST(GZ) Fully Funded Postgraduate Studentship
. Academic Supervisor: Prof. Mingming FAN, Thrust of Computational Media and Arts
. Academic Co-supervisor: Prof. Yunda WANG, Thrust of Smart Manufacturing
. Research Group: Accessible & Pervasive User EXperience (APEX) Group
. Thesis:
Accessible Rehabilitation Devices for People with Motor Impairments
. Project(s):
EQUA: Aquaponics System for the Elderly to Live Independently
Xiangyunsha Art Installation (XAI) for Cutlural Inheritance
TheraFly: VR Flying Experience for a Direct-Indirect Intervention on Acrophobia
Aicademo: AI Video generation for Academic Research
Scentation: Workplace Relaxation
Movaclock: Clock with Movable Type System
MA Material Futures
Central Saint Martins, London, UK
Unit 1: Material Experimentation
I. Master of Crafts
A material library to investigate how machine learning can
extend the usage of previous material projects
II. Everyday Martian @ Design Museum
As a collaborative project, we created a zero-wasted prototype
toilet based on the research of moving to Mars.
III. Final Research Project
REHAP : More Accessible Rehabilitation Alternative
- Commissioned by the UCL WEISS Art and Science Partnership
- Collaborated with Dr Tijana Jevtic Vojinovic for the design
and concept of a mono-material rehabilitation and assitive tool
Industrial Project / Collaboration:
Three UK,
Design Museum London,
Firmenich SA,
UCL Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences
BAS New Media, First Class Honors
School of Creative Media, CityU, Hong Kong SAR
. Extreme Environments Program -
Advisor: Professor Scott Hessels
. Graduation Project –
Advisor: Professor Hector Rodriguez
and Representation [A]: Data visualization with Tableau and
Media Art and the Environment [A]: 3D modeling and
digital fabrication
Special Topics in Arts and Sciences
[A]: Material exploration
Hacktivism and Tactical Media
[A-]: Javascript and terminal command
AAVS Summer Programme
Architectural Association, UK
. Imagined the living environment for Cha Kwo Ling village in
. Unit Tutors: Cesar Jung-Harada, Goerg Hoehne and
Susanne Trumpf
CAA Exchange Programme
China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
. Web Interaction (HTML, CSS, JS, P5.js)
. Creative Coding
(Processing, P5.js)
. Virtual Reality (3D Modeling)
Tangible Media (HCI)
HD Creative Media
Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong SAR
. Interactive Media (Arduino, Processing, MaxMSP)
. App
Design (Xcode)
. 3D Modeling & Animation (Maya)
AD Arts and Humanities
City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA
. Film Studies
Group Leader, 3D Printing Engineering Workshop- Volunteering Service
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
. Awards: Most Excellent Volunteer Teacher, Guizhou Station 2024
. Course Students from Guizhou Tongren No.1 Middle School obtained Second Prizes and Third Prizes in 3D Printing Competition 2024, Guizhou Province
. Arrange class plans and mechandise materials for 5-day STEAM learning program
. Allocate teaching and preparation tasks for 5-member work team
Teaching Assistant, UCMP 6030 Cross-Disciplinary Design Thinking
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
. Provided back-end support to class TAs for group and task arrangements
. Hosted the Final Roadshow presentation
. Shared experience in research and projects using the design thinking approach in tutorial Sessions
Course Representative
Central Saint Martins, UAL
. Collected feedback from classmates regularly
Communicated with programme leaders and tutors
. Provided
suggestions for better learning experience
. Delivered
classmates' concerns on the Dean Forum
Teaching Associate
Vocational Training Council
. Prepared proposals for external funding
. Conducted
presentations of HKDI Media Lab
. Assisted the lecturer
with administrative works
Programme Assistant
Makerspace, Wofoo Social Entreprise
. Advocated maker culture to students in high schools
Produced videos and tutorials for makers
. Initiated
projects on electronics and creative coding
NC Communications
. Handled videography, video editing and graphic design
. Worked for clients included Chow Tai Fook Group,
ARTE Madrid
. Prepared materials for printed and digital
Production Assistant - TV Drama
TVB - Television Broadcasts Limited
. Assisted directors in drama production
. Allocated
schedules for drama series e.g.,
The Exorcist’s Meter
. Worked collaboratively with various departments for
props and costumes